
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Our First Day of Work

Today was our first day of work, and we started off by leaving at 7:30 a.m. and we just got home around 5:30 or 6:00. It was beautiful, bright, and sunny while we got up this morning, but as they day went on we experienced what Jamaica in November is known for - RAIN. Everyone had to work through the rain though Yesterday we stopped by teen challenge so we would know where to go and what to do as soon as we got there today. As soon as we got to TCJ the paint team grabbed their rollers and brushes, the masonry team grabbed sledge hammers, shovels, and picks so they could finish all the destruction off to a starting point, and the construction team started rattling off all the kinds of boards they needed brought down and carried out to the job sites. The lumber was kept on the third floor, because TCJ has no space to keep all these boards, besides the roof. From the roof we handed the wet, heavy boards down to a guy on the second floor, and on down to the ground. It rained very heavily at times today, but other times it was just as sunny as could be. Everyone had nice hotdogs for lunch today. Everyone worked very hard through the rain and through heat, but we all made it back home for a nice dinner our housekeepers made for us. Many of those hard working people jumped either in the pool or in the sea before everyone got cleaned up and ready for dinner. Greg La(uhh I can't spell his name), but either way Greg shared during a powerful time of devotions with some of the crew. I did not know about it, but i walked into one of the villas looking for Mr. Sam and got captivated by Mr. Greg's story, it was quite awesome. Everyone is quite tired due to the hard work today, including myself! So we are off to bed, goodnight folks!

Here is a little notice to all:
  • Ever get tired of typing I know I do, so I got another shorter one! You can now visit they'll both take you to the same place!
  • Take notice to the pictures page! On your right in the Links section there is a link called "Pictures" click on that to take you to our archive of our team pictures for this trip. If you are on the reachouttotheworld homepage and you click on the pictures link it will take you to our archive of pictures for all of our trips since we started archiving the pictures
  • Comment! You can comment on our blog by clicking on the "Comment" link at the bottom of each post! We always enjoy getting messages from home!

Thank you very much for your support, we appreciate it very much. Have a blessed day!

- Kolby Dukes -

1 comment:

Lisa,Michal,Lexi said...


I miss you very much but I am so proud of you and the heart you have for missions. It is exciting to see how God is using you. I love you!!!!!

I'm praying for you! I saw you in the pictures on the website. can't wate to see you in person!
love lexi rite back

I miss you very much! I love how God is using you to help people. Have a good trip!love michal!